- #Open collections elvui wow Patch
- #Open collections elvui wow full
Patch 4.0.1 (): Redesigned and moved from the character info interface to the Spellbook & Abilities interface. Patch 5.0.4 (): Redesigned and moved from the Spellbook & Abilities interface to the newly created Mounts And Pets interface. Summon Random Favorite Mount has been added, randomly summoning a mount that's usable for the area from the favorites list. Players can now designate a mount as favorite, placing it at the top of the collected mounts list. Ones that the character is unable to use will be displayed in red. Mount Journal now lists all mounts that have been collected on the account. Entries in the Mount Journal now have a description and information on where or how the mount can be obtained. Hotfix (): Resolved an issue where favorited mounts in the Mount Journal may not display the favorite status properly. Patch 8.2.0 (): Mount equipment slot added. The window first appeared within the pets tab under with the character info when mounts were changed from items to abilities and then in the spellbook when a new interface was designed. Players can also drag mount icons to their action bars for more convenient summoning. At the top right, the Summon Random Favorite Mount button will summon a random selection from the player's current favorites. Favorite mounts are marked with a star, and are placed in alphabetical order above other mounts.Īt the bottom of the interface, the Mount button causes the player to summon the selected mount. Mousing over a mount's icon will show its tooltip, and right-clicking on a mount's icon or name in the list will allow the player to mark it as a favorite, placing it at the top of the list and making it eligible for the Summon Random Favorite Mount function. When multiple sources exist, each is listed.
Additional information such as cost or zone is also shown. Flavor text is presented for each, along with information on obtaining it, stating the vendor, achievement or profession that rewards it.
#Open collections elvui wow full
Selecting a mount will display it in full detail, with the option to spin and turn the mount. The total number of mounts collected is listed. The list can be searched using a search field, or filtered in various ways. Mounts the character is unable to use are displayed in red, and faction mounts are marked with faction icon watermarks. The interface lists all mounts, with those not currently collected greyed out and listed after those collected.